
Hi, I am Priyanshu Roy.

A Android Developer.

I'm a Final year student majoring in Computer Science at Birla Institute of Technology , Mesra. I enjoy a lot of Problem-Solving. One of things I did from my first year was Competitive Programming which helped me build my problem solving skills. I have also competed in Google Codejam, Meta HackerCup, Google HashCode, Codechef SnackDown, Google KickStart. The passion still remains the same to keep learning and growing. Recently, I decided to get my hands dirty on Android Development. I have made few projects related to android development.



  • It provides the users to register with Authentication by email-address
  • It provides the users with facility to chat with multiple people
  • It provides the users to check the Online status of the other user
  • It provides the users with the facility to receive message notifications from the receipents
  • It stores the data of the messages sent and the receipents registered in the application in Firebase Database

  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Firebase


  • It empowers users with real-time insights into the cryptocurrency market. It allows users gain valuable insights into the top performers, enabling to make informed decisions.
  • Users can bookmark and save their preferred investor with this.
  • It offers users real-time data insights into the ups and downs of cryptocurrency players through dynamic and interactive graph plotting.
  • It pulls the data from the API( with the help of Retrofit library.

  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Git
  • API
  • Retrofit


  • The top headlines can be seen by users. Users can choose from a variety of news categories.
  • When a headline is clicked, it gives users detailed news about that particular headline.
  • It pulls news for the application using the News API ( It uses the Retrofit library to access the API calls.

  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • API
  • Retrofit




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